2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2-10 HBW) identified an issue where our system automatically re-sent previously completed  Work Orders in error. If you encounter this situation as you contact customers to set appointments, please DO NOT DECLINE the dispatch!  No additional action is required from your company to resolve this matter. In these cases, the Dispatch/Work Order  may have been a customer your company, or another company, already serviced. However, the job is  complete and requires no further action from you.

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Contractor Portal Announcement

With customer service representatives working remotely, combined with high call volumes, we encourage you to use Contractor Portal to do the following:

  • Check the status of claims
  • Provide your online diagnosis
  • Order equipment

If you encounter a homeowner exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, do NOT decline service in the Portal. Keep the service request active so a 2-10 HBW representative can determine the next step.

Call or email the 2-10 HBW Dispatch team at 888.294.4272 or HBWDispatch@2-10.com and advise them of the situation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this outbreak together.